Tax Fact: Stimulus Check

With the talk about the stimulus check, we all have many questions. One of the things I have read is if you haven’t had your 2018 or 2019 taxes done get them done as soon as possible. They are going to base your check amount on your tax return. If you have...

Tax Fact: SBA Loans for suffering businesses

COVID-19 has caused such havoc in our Great Nation. With the request for us to quarantine and for businesses to close down temporarily or cut back on their hours, it has caused a huge amount of stress on business owners and employees. The U.S. Small Business...

Tax Fact: What if I Can’t Pay?

We all should be getting our taxes done and there are many who may already have their taxes finished. There are also some of us that may owe the IRS money and maybe thinking……WHAT IF I CAN’T PAY WHAT I OWE?? Not being able to pay the federal income...

Tax Fact: Seven tax brackets in the US

In the U.S., taxpayers pay more if they make more. In fact, there are currently seven different tax brackets in the U.S., and the higher your income, the higher your bracket. This type of system is referred to as a progressive tax system. It’s an alternative to...