5 Tips on How to Track Monthly Expenses

5 Tips on How to Track Monthly ExpensesKeeping tabs on what you spend isn’t hard. It just has to become a habit. But here’s the good news: Studies show that it only takes an average of 66 days to form a habit. A little over two months. With these easy ways to track your monthly expenses, you’ll be a regular money manager in no time.

Add Up Your Monthly Income

We’re talking about your regular paychecks – and extras from any side hustles. Have irregular income? No problem. Look at what you’ve made in the past few months and list the lowest amount as this month’s planned income. When you know how much you have to work with, you’ll be ready to dive in.

Calculate Your Monthly Expenses

Open up your bank account and start dividing your expenses into buckets, e.g., rent/mortgage, food, utilities, etc. The numbers may surprise you. Think about your needs and wants. What’s really important? What can you live without? Where can you cut? Or if you have a surplus, where should this money go? Regardless, here’s a good way to categorize your income:

  •  Four walls (food, utilities, shelter/housing, and transportation)
  • Other essentials (insurance, debt, childcare, etc.)
  • Extras (entertainment, restaurants, etc.)
  • Giving (10 percent of your income)
  • Savings (varies based on your resources)

Create a Budget

Now that you know how much you make and what you spend, do a little mat,h and you’ll have a sum total. Dave Ramsey recommends a zero-based budget, where you give every dollar a job to do, such as spending, saving, or giving. But in these categories, you’ll want to get more detailed. For instance, under Food, you might list Dining Out and Groceries. When you get specific, it’s easier to track where you spend.

Track Any Money You Earn and Spend

When you get paid, enter the amount. When you spend, enter the amount. This repetition contributes to forming a habit. If you need a bit more immediacy and structure, get a handy budget app for your phone. Mint (it’s free!), YNAB (You Need a Budget), and Simplifi are a few of many others. It might well be a fail-safe idea, given how much we humans love to be on our phones.

While tracking is super important for those who have a regular income, it’s even more important if you have an irregular income. As mentioned above, the recommendation is to plan around the lowest amount of money you make. If you happen to earn more in any given month, adjust the number and your current money goals. This way, you can cover some extras in your budget.

Tracking also applies to the money you spend. Enter every single transaction, then do that math. Whether your expenditure is coming from your bank account or piggy bank, keeping up-to-date on outflow is key to not overspending.

Create a Regular Rhythm for Tracking

This cadence is totally up to you and what works best for your life. It might be daily or weekly – or before you leave the gas station or grocery store. When you enter the amount of what you spent right after you do it, chances are you won’t forget about it. (Nod to the budget app!) If you’re married and/or have a partner, having a central location for money management increases communication and accountability. Neither one of you can say, “Oh, I didn’t know you were going to spend all our fun money on pickleball lessons. I wanted to sign us up for bridge at the community center.”

Having a handle on monthly expenses (tracking them) means being more aware of what’s going on, avoiding surprises, and being in control. And that’s a good thing for everyone.


How Long Does it Take to Build a Habit?

How to Track Your Monthly Expenses – Ramsey


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